Wisconsin Well Monitoring

Groundwater is one of Wisconsins most important resources. Our facility wide groundwater monitoring program was designed to determine the presence and concentration of constituents of concern in the groundwater bearing zone. Our clients have looked to our experts as an extension of their team, providing support and knowledge of their environmental issues.

• The most accurate assessment of contaminates
• An understanding of contaminant transport
• A low cost solution with minimal site disturbance

Groundwater systems are dynamic and respond to short term and long term changes in the environment. This is especially true for limestone aquifers. Water level monitoring wells are the principle sources of data for groundwater recharge, storage, discharge and contaminiation.

Groundwater monitoring wells are principally used for observing groundwater levels and flow conditions, obtaining samples for determining groundwater quality, and for evaluating hydraulic properties of water bearing strata. Monitoring wells are sometimes referred to as "observation wells." The quality of water intercepted by a monitoring well can range from drinking water to highly polluted water. In contrast, production or "water wells" are usually designed to obtain water from productive zones containing good quality water.

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